Clown Knife Fish
Common Name: Clown Knife Fish
Scientific Name: Chitala ornata
Names: N/A
Locations: London

Clown Knife Fish are carnivorous and primarily feed on smaller fish, crustaceans, and insects in their natural habitat. In captivity, they can be fed a varied diet consisting of live or frozen foods such as fish, shrimp, and worms.
Average lifespan
In captivity, Clown Knife Fish can live around 8 to 15 years with proper care.
Clown Knife Fish are known for their elongated, knife-shaped bodies, and can grow to impressive lengths of up to 90 centimeters (35 inches) or more.
Adult Clown Knife Fish can weigh anywhere from 2 to 4 kilograms (4.4 to 8.8 pounds) or more, depending on their size and age.
Clown Knife Fish are native to Southeast Asia, particularly found in countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia. They inhabit freshwater rivers, lakes, and flooded forests, where they can find suitable prey and shelter.
Size and behavior
Clown Knife Fish have a unique swimming behavior characterized by their undulating movements and ability to navigate through dense vegetation and obstacles with ease. They are primarily nocturnal and often hide during the day, becoming more active at dusk and during the night.
Diet and nutrition
Clown Knife Fish are carnivorous predators and require a diet rich in protein to thrive in captivity. They can be fed a variety of live or frozen foods such as fish, shrimp, and worms, as well as high-quality commercial fish pellets. Providing a varied diet ensures that they receive the necessary nutrients for growth, health, and vibrant coloration.
Conservation status
The conservation status of Clown Knife Fish in the wild is not well-documented, but they are generally not considered to be threatened or endangered species. However, they may face localized threats from habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing in some areas.
Fun fact
Clown Knife Fish are known for their distinctive appearance and graceful swimming movements. Despite their peaceful nature, they are skilled hunters and can consume prey much larger than themselves using their sharp teeth and powerful jaws. Additionally, Clown Knife Fish are capable of producing electrical signals to communicate and navigate in their dark and murky habitats, similar to other fish species in their family, the knifefishes.
Call or visit your local Reptilia Facility to learn how you can adopt one of these amazing reptiles.