Scouts & Guides
Reptilia offers a variety of programs created specifically for Sparks, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Scouts, Ventures, and Pathfinders. All programs emphasize hands-on experience with the animals. Our lessons meet requirements for a variety of badges and emblems.
“Sugar and spice and everything nice,” remember that old nursery rhyme? Obviously whoever wrote it was never a Girl Guide! A Girl Guide is just as likely to identity with “snakes and snails and puppy dog tails.” She’s the kind of girl who would happily pick up a snake or a frog, because Guiding gives her opportunities to try things that are traditionally considered “for boys.” And the effect on girls of coming into contact with these amazing creatures can he pretty amazing stuff.”

Reptilia Scouts Programs+
Reptilia Zoo offers Scouts & Guides a fun and exciting, Badge Focus Sleepover Adventure, in our 24,000 square foot facility! The cost is $55.00 plus tax per person, with one leader at no cost. There is a minimum of 20 people required to run the program. If your group is small, please let us know and we will group you with another unit that is also under the minimum number!
Below is a sample of the itinerary but we can make adjustments to fit your specific needs:
A sample of an itinerary would be the following…
7:00 pm – arrival time and independent visit through the Zoo
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Live Animal Theatre Show (hands-on and interactive)
9:00 pm – 9:30 pm – Guided tour of the Zoo (lights out with flashlights)
9:30 pm – 11:00 pm – Bedtime routine and independent time (games, snack, etc)
7:30 am – Wake up time
8:00 am – 9:00 am – Breakfast
9:00 am – Pick up
This is just a sample, we can certainly move the times to accommodate the age of the children participating.
Program Guide
Reptilia offers a variety of programs specifically geared toward Beavers. These programs are based on different themes. All programs emphasize hands-on experience with the animals. An introduction to habitats, food chains, and interdependence of living things. Your colony will learn about the many ways animals interact with each other and their habitat to survive.
Beavers will explore the diverse and fascinating world of reptiles and amphibians. They will learn about the diet, growth, habitat, and behavior of these wonderful creatures.
Each season has characteristic weather patterns that affect reptiles and amphibians. We will discuss the many ways our animals cope with these changes and draw parallels to human activities.
Beavers will learn about their own bodies and the way they function. We will teach your colony about themselves by comparing their bodies to our animals.
Your colony will learn that all animals, including humans, use all their senses for communication. We will discuss the different types of communication used by reptiles and amphibians to provide the boys with a better understanding of communication systems.

Naturalist-Camouflage and Predation
Brownies will explore the diverse and fascinating world of reptiles and amphibians. They will learn about the diet, growth, habitat, and behavior of these wonderful creatures.

Our staff will teach your pack about ecology by discussing the ecology of reptiles and amphibians. We will address the issues of interactions and interdependence between animals and their environment.

Your pack will learn about reptiles and amphibians and the fascinating methods they use to cope with changes in weather.

Reptiles and amphibians are often kept as pets; however, they are often not cared for properly. We will teach the cubs about proper diet, handling, housing, and hygiene.
All animals, including reptiles and amphibians, communicate with each other. Animals communicate using signals that target one of the five senses. We will illustrate the different ways these animals communicate with each other and draw parallels to human communication systems. Cubs will learn about the many ways that reptiles and amphibians camouflage themselves. We explain why some animals camouflage while others seem to make themselves more visible.
Each season has characteristic weather patterns that affect reptiles and amphibians. We will discuss the many ways our animals cope with these changes and draw parallels to human activities.
World Conservation-Habitat
Cubs will learn about the basic necessities of life (space, air, water, food, and shelter). We will discuss the human activities that affect each of these necessities and explore ways of reducing our impact on other species.
World Conservation-The Road to Extinction
We will teach your pack about some of the ways that we have negatively affected wild animals. Specifically, cubs will learn about introduction of exotic species, illegal trade in live animals and animal parts, and extermination due to prejudice.

Nature and the Planet
A basic introduction to habitats, food chains, and interdependence of living things. Your group will learn about the many ways animals interact with each other and their habitat to survive.
Programs For Scouts
Reptilia offers a variety of programs created specifically for scouts. All programs emphasize hands on experience with the animals. Our lessons meet requirements for the Fish and Wildlife, Naturalist, Science, Pet Care, and World Conservation badge.

Fish and Wildlife Badge
Your troop will learn about some of the concepts needed to obtain the Fish and Wildlife challenge badge. Specifically, we will discuss concepts such as carrying capacity, endangered species, exotic species introduction, etc.

Naturalist Badge
Our educator will teach your troop about ecology. We will define and discuss the concepts of natural balance, migration, niche, population, community, in addition to interactions and interdependence between animals and their environment.

Science Badge
Scouts will learn about the fields of biology and zoology as they relate to the study of reptiles and amphibians (a.k.a. Herpetology). Our staff will outline the diverse and fascinating research that focuses on reptiles and amphibians.

Pet Care Badge
Reptiles and amphibians are often kept as pets; however, they are usually not cared for properly. We will explain proper diet and reptile nutrition, handling, housing, and hygiene.
Programs For Guides, Ventures, & Pathfinders
Reptilia offers a variety of programs created specifically for guides. All programs emphasize hands on experience with the animals. Our lessons meet requirements for the Naturalist and Conservation emblem.

Naturalist-Camouflage and Predation
This lesson focuses on the many ways that reptiles and amphibians camouflage themselves. We explain why some animals camouflage while others seem to make themselves more visible.

Our educator will teach your group about ecology by discussing the ecology of reptiles and amphibians. We will address the issues of interactions and interdependence between animals and their environment.

Your group will learn about reptiles and amphibians and the fascinating methods they use to cope with changes in weather.

We will discuss the basic necessities of life (space, air, water, food, and shelter). We will address the human activities that affect each of these necessities and explore ways of reducing our impact on other species.

Conservation-The Road to Extinction
We will teach your group about some of the ways that we have negatively affected wild animals. Specifically, guides will learn about introduction of exotic species, illegal trade in live animals and animal parts, and destruction due to prejudice. Scouts will learn about responsible pet care and about the requirements of reptiles and amphibians in captivity.

World Conservation Badge
We will teach your troop about some of the ways that humans have affected wild animals. Specifically, the topics of introduction of exotics, illegal trade, extermination due to prejudice, amongst others, will be addressed.